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Filtering by Tag: fire pit

Summer's Not Over Yet

Peyton Lambton

I love fall, but I am so not ready for this summer to be over! The warm season is so short in New England that we really cherish the time we can spend outside. I am constantly looking for ways to extend the season so we can continue with the fresh air as long as possible. After that, Winter is coming! So get your friends and family together and have as many parties as possible before we are all stuck inside!

If the party is starting in the afternoon, it's nice to set up some stations so guests can get what they need without having to bother the host. Drinks outside will encourage guests to stay outside and enjoy the weather. Providing sunscreen and bug spray will also keep everyone comfortable. Grab some cute buckets or baskets and put a few in the yard with these essentials. Hopefully it will keep the party going well into the evening. 

Seating on the patio is great, but you can get creative and encourage guests to get out in the yard with some comfy seating on the lawn. Set up an outdoor rug or spread out some blankets and pile on the pillows. This is also great for little ones who want to crawl around! Add some lawn games and your guests will be in the yard for the entire party!

With the air getting cooler, you want to make sure your guests are warm so they don't leave the minute the sun goes down. You can add a thermal warmer with hot water to your set up and allow friends to make hot cocoa or tea. Make it fun by adding some marshmallows and sweet treats to go with the warm drinks. The kids will love this!! For the adults, add some liquor to really take it up a notch. 

If you don't have a fire pit, then you should definitely add this to your outdoor space. It keeps you warm, while also providing some fun for the kids while the adults have time to chat. I'm lucky to have a husband who knows how to build a fire pit so we have a permanent stone version. If this isn't something you are ready for then look into a free standing version. They are inexpensive and serve the same purpose! Individual 'smore kits will be a hit with kids and adults of all ages. This will also keep little hands from eating the entire bag of candy. 

Stretch out summer as long as possible and enjoy these special times with friends and family!! Check out my video with more tips and tricks and find out where you can shop all these items below. Enjoy!!