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Backyard Movie Night

Peyton Lambton

Summer is winding down and it's time to make the most of the warm evenings. We love to spend as much time as possible outside and this is just another way to gather with friends and family for some fun! Here are ways you can turn your backyard into a movie theater that will be fun for all ages. 

Start with a movie screen. If you don't have a screen, you can always use a white sheet. Then you can set up your seating around the viewing area. I like to begin with an outdoor rug and build from there. Grab pillows, blankets and any comfy seating you have around the house. Pile it on and your guests will be ready to snuggle in. 

Don't forget the snacks! A popcorn machine will really get everyone in the movie mood. Grab some glass containers and add your favorite candy. This will be a huge hit with the little and big kids. My husband can't watch a movie without Reeces Pieces so we always have a huge bag on hand just for him. Keeping these items on a stand outside will allow everyone to grab a snack without missing a minute of the movie. 

Summertime movie nights are always better outside. Peyton teams up with Wayfair to show how you can create a wow-worthy outdoor theater in your own backyard. The hardest part? Deciding on a movie! Don't forget to subscribe! And check out more videos on our YouTube channel: Find more inspiration at Check out our other social media channels!