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Baby Shower Fun

Peyton Lambton

Something I was most excited about when building our new home was the possibility of entertaining in so many different ways. When my sister in law announced she was pregnant I knew that we had the perfect space for her shower. Before the house was even finished I was already picturing how this party would flow. Along with help from my other sister in law and the mother to be's sister, (follow that?), I think we threw the best baby shower EVER!! We went with a neutral theme since we don't know the gender of the baby yet. 

I am a fan of having cocktails at any gathering as an option. Why not make it a little more fun with a theme? We decided to set up a mimosa bar so it was fun and fruity on a Sunday afternoon.  Mixing the juices along with champagne is so much more exciting than just OJ and champs! This area was set up in the breakfast room along with another table that had non alcoholic options as well. I used the chalk board signs from our wedding to label each area at the shower so guests weren't left wondering what each item was. 

We kept the food fairly simple and tried to have options for everyone. The menu included chicken salad, pasta salad, quinoa salad, fruit salad, deviled eggs.....easy stuff that pretty much everyone likes! This was spread between the kitchen island and the dining table to make sure everyone had enough room to move around. There were a lot of people and my biggest fear was having everyone crowd in one room. Spreading everything out helped to prevent this. 

The day was beautiful and we were able to head outside to the patio to watch my sister in law open all of her amazing gifts. She was able to sit on the deck with everyone below on the patio where they played baby bingo. I grabbed a cute card off Pinterest and made copies for all the guests. This kept them engaged and excited about all the cute gifts. My sister in law isn't a fan of the cheesy baby shower games so I tried to keep it cute and fun. Since they don't know the gender of the baby, they also haven't picked a name. So I set out a bowl with blank cards so guests could suggest names. Hopefully this will spark something for baby Lambton!! 

It was a great day and so much fun to plan. I was thrilled with the way everything turned out and even more excited to finally use the house to entertain in the way we always envisioned. I can't wait until the next party and the birth of our niece or nephew!!!