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Rustic Tablescape

Peyton Lambton

The holidays are here and it's a wonderful time to step up the tablescape game. I love to set my table whenever friends/family come over and this time of year is a great excuse to take it up a notch and really show off your personal style while entertaining. Here are details on how I put together a rustic holiday tablescape. 

Start with a base layer of a table cloth or runner. I love my dining table so I chose a black and white gingham runner. Plaid and gingham are in style and perfect for the holidays. Using black and white allows me to pop in other colors throughout the table. For the place setting I layered a wooden charger with a white dinner plate, green bread plate and green glassware. I topped each setting with a homemade place card that I created from card stock, a hole punch and sprigs of cranberries and greenery. 

The centerpiece was created from wooden troughs filled with greenery, cranberries and small candles in mercury glass. I surrounded the troughs with a few tall candlesticks to add some height. This will provide a romantic vibe without blocking the view across the table. 

If you are looking for a gift to give guests, try a potted bulb or succulent. This will be a gift guests can enjoy all year long!

For more tips and to see exactly how I put this look together, check out the video below. 

Happy Holidays!!