Showers and Stuff
Peyton Lambton
I have to start by bragging about my amazing friends. They were so kind and generous to throw me three of the most amazing showers that I could ever imagine! The first was in my hometown of Kingsport, TN at the home of my childhood best friend. Women who I have grown up with and have known forever came to spend a beautiful afternoon showering baby Lambton and myself with some of the most thoughtful gifts I could ever imagine. This was followed by a weekend in Dallas with a group that is so special to me. They planned a morning at the spa that was just what this momma to be needed. They are all moms and I received some incredible advice along with more presents for this little babe. One friend even flew in to surprise me from Chicago and I was blown away!! My final shower was thrown by my sisters in law on Cape Cod. Again, I was completely overwhelmed by the support and love that friends and family have shown for us. I came home with more goodies than I could ever imagine and my heart is full with all of the love shown by everyone. We are truly blessed to have such incredible people in our lives!!
Kingsport, TN Shower
I remember when these special friends began planning the showers the first question they asked was about my registry. So I got online and started reading lists and reviews about all the latest and greatest gear. I was shocked at just how many items are out there for this tiny human. Then of course there are a billion reviews and everyone has a different opinion about what is the best. How do you even decide??? First there is the nursery where you need a crib, rocker, changing table, dresser, closet organization, cute décor, sound machine, bedding, blankets, and clothes. Then for the car you have to have a car seat, stroller, mirror, baby bag filled with diapers, wipes, pacifier, toys, books, extra clothes, boogie wipes, hats, mittens and anything else you can think of just in case something happens while you are out of the house. Finally, there are the things that stay at the house like the bassinet, high chair, bumbo seat, boppy pillow, swing, vibrating chair, sleep lounger, swaddles, bottles, breast feeding supplies, pumping supplies, burp cloths, swaddles, diaper cream, baby powder, bath tub, bath supplies, lotion, books, toys and I’m sure plenty of other things that I am going to figure out along the way. Can you believe all the stuff?? Now, I know all of this isn’t completely necessary, but for a first time mom I am trying to be prepared for every possible scenario. We don’t know what kind of sleeper and eater this baby will be. So I guess you try it all until you find what is right for your baby. Below are some of the items that I am really excited to give a try!
Yesterday I began washing every item that we have received to make sure it’s all fresh and clean should this baby decide to arrive early. I quickly realized that the whole idea of nesting is real and I may have become slightly obsessed with cleanliness lately. I finished my last work obligation a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been non-stop cleaning and washing everything that will fit in the washing machine. We are still technically 5ish weeks away from the big day, but I know plenty of women who went early so I just want to feel that I am in control and prepared while it’s still just adults and dogs in this house. I guess it’s half nesting and organizing and half keeping myself busy so I don’t turn into a couch potato.
Dallas, TX Spa Shower
I feel like we have everything we need. The nursery is almost finished and I’m excited for it to finally come together. Just a few items left and we will be all set! Until then I will just keep cleaning, folding and organizing everything in my path.
Cape Cod Shower